
Our Guide To Valentines Day

words Josie Broad

Whether you’re feeling the love for yourself or someone else, we wanted to give you inspiration to embrace valentines day, no matter what situation you're in!


We spoke to the team to give you an all-round guide to V day. 



A gift to myself: Movies and dessert with the kids

My crush: Beach picnic at sunset, literally my fave!

My bestie: A platter at home, I love hosting 



A gift to myself: Facial 

For my special people: for my husband or bestie I would get them a Facial, Facials are just the best. 



A gift to myself: New activewear because I always need a reason, To fit in with the theme I’d be definitely grabbing a Saski Blush set

My bestie: local restaurant for tapas and bubbles, this has to be my favourite thing ever.

My crush: I’d go all out and cook a multi course dinner at home and watch a horror movie lol



A gift to myself: I would go for a morning sunrise coffee and walk along the beach.

My crush: Pizza and red wine at Burleigh hill to watch sunset

My bestie: An afternoon at home making cute friendship bracelets together



A gift to myself: Self care day, my favourites are the Gisou Hair Mask and the Lineage water sleeping mask. 

My crush: movie night at home, with all our favourite desserts, Yum!

My bestie: Cake making/decorating at home, so cute



A gift to myself: early morning ocean swim and a coffee

My crush: dinner out and gold class movies

My bestie: coconut chilli margs and our favourite playlist


Feeling inspired yet? Whatever you decide to do for yourself or someone else, be sure to fill your cup 🌹 Spread the love!


Tammy Fit Team xx